Common Air Conditioning Repair in Las Vegas

Spring is a great time to certify that your air conditioning system is ready to go when the scorching Las Vegas summer arrives. While a variety of top air conditioning brands are installed throughout Las Vegas, there are some common air conditioning problems that occur. Following, we have provided an overview of the top air conditioning problems. If your air conditioning does not work properly, do not hesitate to contact a licensed and trained professional like Air Zone Cooling and Heating.
Defective Cooling
Your air conditioning does not operate like it once did or you noticed a drop in its ability to cool your home, then it is possible you may need air conditioner repair. While it may be something like a dirty filter, frozen coil or a mechanical problem it is important to not delay because it can lead to more damage.
Hot Spots
Hot spots derive from insufficient cooling but more specifically from lack of cooling in a specific area of your home. While it may seem puzzling that a certain corner of your home won’t cool down, it’s more than likely an air conditioning system imbalance. This could mean a crack or leak in ductwork.
Frozen Coils
A common result of frozen evaporator coils are clogged air filters. Because they are close to each other and if cool air cannot pass through the filter it builds up in the air handler causing coils to frost. There could also be a problem with the blower motor.
This should give you an indication of the various types of air conditioning problems. We highly recommend that you get any and all problems diagnosed sooner than later. For quality and honest air conditioning repair in Las Vegas, contact Air Zone Cooling and Heating.
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