What You Should Know About Setting Your Thermostat

Finding a comfortable yet energy efficient setting for your thermostat can be a challenge. Perhaps not everyone can agree on the setting, or you’re worried about high utility bills. These tips will help you enjoy lower utility bills, comfort, and improved energy efficiency this winter.
1. Energy Saving Thermostat Settings
If you’re comfortable at 72 degrees Fahrenheit, set the thermostat to 70 in the winter. You’ll shave a few percent off your utility bill yet your house won’t be cold. If you feel a chill, wear some thick socks or add a layer of clothing. If your utility bill doesn’t decrease as much as you had hoped, perhaps it’s due to an old furnace or heating system. Replacing it with a modern and highly efficient system could result in hundreds or thousands of dollars of savings on heating and cooling costs each year.
2. Check the Fan Settings
Keeping the HVAC fan on throughout the winter helps improve the indoor air quality. While the fan uses a little electricity, it won’t contribute much to your overall energy costs. Keeping the air circulating in your home can boost comfort, improves filtration of particulates, and helps eliminate allergens from the air you breathe inside the house.
3. Reduce the Burden on Your HVAC System
Once you’ve found a comfortable thermostat setting and have proper air circulation, it’s time to reduce the overall burden on your home’s heating and cooling system. Walk through your house and open all the air registers. Keeping them closed can strain the system. Keep doors open so that air can circulate throughout the home. By reducing wear and tear on your heating and air conditioning system, it will experience fewer malfunctions and may last for years longer. This will save you money on repair and replacement costs in the future. At the same time, by reducing system strain you will also enjoy lower heating and air conditioning costs.
4. Maintain the HVAC System
If you feel like your home’s heating and cooling system isn’t as efficient as it could be, schedule a tune-up. A professional tune-up includes includes checking for all possible mechanical failures. A tune-up could boost system efficiency by up to 15 percent.
Have questions about your thermostat or heating repair questions? Contact Air Zone Cooling & Heating!
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