Cooling Down a Hot Room without Air Conditioning in Las Vegas

Being inside a hot house without air conditioning is one of the most uncomfortable things in the world. The piercing hot Las Vegas sun can be difficult to deal with and the accompanying bills that come with high air conditioning usage can break almost anyone’s piggy bank. Fortunately, there are ways to cool down a room that don’t require the use of air conditioning.
Follow these simple tips and tricks to get the relaxing, comfortable room you need.
- Paint is an important part of helping cool a room down. Certain shades, such as blue, purple or green, can actually make a room feel cooler. Avoid bright yellows, reds, and oranges.
- You also want to keep the curtains or the shades down at all time. Make sure the curtains and shades are also dark colored. This will keep the temperature down and also make the room feel cooler.
- A cool breeze blowing through the house can also help. Set up fans throughout the home and you will definitely notice the difference. Placing the fan near a doorway or an open window is usually the best way to maximize the cooling possibilities of the fan. Fans don’t drive up energy bills the same way an air conditioner does.
- Dress appropriately for the weather. Use light materials and fabrics in the clothes you wear.
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