Do’s and Don’ts for Extreme Heat in Las Vegas

As you know, the Las Vegas heat can be pretty extreme. So extreme than one of the main reasons for hospital visits in Las Vegas is dehydration. In addition to keeping your air conditioning system maintained, here are some do’s and don’ts for surviving the heat!
- Drink a lot of water, even if you aren’t thirsty.
- Avoid caffeine, alcohol, or sugared sodas because they can make fluid leave your body faster.
- Stay indoors if at all possible.
- Go to a mall, movie or friend’s or relative’s home if your air conditioning goes out.
- Buy a fan to move air around, even if it’s air-conditioned air.
- Wear light-colored, loose clothing. Don’t overwrap babies; put a shade over them instead.
- If you go out, do it early or after dark.
- Stay in the shade and move slowly.
- Wear a wide-brimmed hat.
- Check on elderly neighbors or relatives.
- Give pets plenty of water or bring them inside.
- Tune into weather broadcasts for the latest heat advisory.
- Let outside workers take more frequent breaks.
- Wet a paper towel or hankie and drape it on your face when you come inside or place a cool compress for quick cooling on the back of your neck or underarms.
- Drink ice-cold drinks; they can cause stomach cramping.
- Leave any living being in a closed car.
- Take salt tablets unless the doctor says so.
- Assume you are immune to heat outside just because you work in a hot environment like a bakery or pizza parlor. The damage can accumulate throughout the day.
- Devotedly insist on your usual jogging or exercise routine, thinking the danger is not real.
- Skimp on water. If you are outside a lot (even during 90 degrees), you can lose a half gallon of water in 10 minutes.
All content provided on the Air Zone Cooling & Heating blog is for informational purposes only. The owner of this blog makes no representations as to the accuracy or completeness of any information on this site or found by following any link on this site.
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